Humic fertilizers — Buy potassium humate in Ukraine

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Potassium humate is a natural organic fertilizer that contains sodium and potassium salts and is widely used in agriculture. Its use has a positive effect on rapid growth, high-quality development of the root system, increasing the yield of agricultural and garden crops, in particular winter wheat , sunflowers , and ornamental plants. Potassium humate reliably protects plants from diseases and helps to quickly adapt to changes in adverse weather conditions.

Use of potassium humate to increase plant fertility

Calculation of the norm of potassium humate

To correctly calculate the rate of potassium humate when fertilizers are applied, it is necessary to take into account the total share of nitrogen fertilizers used on 1 ha of land. Taking into account this indicator, 0.4-1 l of potassium humate will be needed per 1 ha (the proportion of humic acids should be 76 g/l).

Purposes of using humate

Potassium humate is used for:

  • complete nutrition of plants;
  • during the vegetation period, their effective root and foliar treatment;
  • acceleration of humus formation;
  • increasing the resistance of crops to various diseases;
  • activation of their growth;
  • stimulation of the development of root systems;
  • increase in productivity;
  • improving quality and reducing ripening times.

Methods of using potassium humate

The undoubted advantage of potassium humate compared to other fertilizers is, among other things, ease of use.

The preparation of the solution is carried out depending on the type of crops and the method of their processing:

  • spraying;
  • watering;
  • soaking.

The concentration of the ready-to-use composition varies for plant treatment (root and extra-root), seedling feeding , soaking or spraying seeds, cuttings and crops themselves. In order to quickly restore soil fertility, it is better to use potassium humate in liquid form (from 2 to 4 liters per 1 ha).

The benefits of humate

The products offered by Halychyna are made from lowland peat, which indicates a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen in it, which are responsible for a significant increase in the yield of agricultural crops, while the price of potassium humate is affordable for every gardener or farmer. The unique efficiency indicators of this fertilizer (up to 30%) are preserved even with environmental pollution. It has been proven many times that the consequence of the use of potassium humate is a significant increase in the resistance of crops to various diseases and the influence of negative weather factors.

Potassium humate "Galichyna"

The main activity of the company "Galichyna" (Ukraine-Italy) is the production of potassium humate in liquid form and substrates, an ecologically clean fertilizer of high concentration, indispensable for growing agricultural crops.

Our company follows a flexible pricing policy. Wholesale buyers are offered individual discounts on potassium humate, the price is formed depending on the ordered quantity. Orders are delivered throughout Ukraine. You can buy potassium humate both by prepayment and postpaid.

When filling out the feedback form and ordering organic fertilizer, every buyer receives a guaranteed bonus.

Potassium humate is used for the purpose of:

  • treatment of seed and planting material immediately before planting in the soil (360-500 ml per 1 ton);
  • carrying out root and extra-root processing (0.4-0.7 l per 1 ha);
  • soil enrichment;
  • activation of plant growth;
  • strengthening the immunity of cultures of various species;
  • destructuring of stubble (2-4 liters per 1 ha);
  • increasing efficiency and reducing the amount of use of other fertilizers that are used together with potassium humate.

Potassium humate, made from lowland peat, is a real source of valuable substances. It contains:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins C, D, E, PP, group B, provitamin A;
  • enzymes;
  • folic acid, carotenoids;
  • proteins, pectins, phytohormones, mono- and polysaccharides, melonoidin.

Effectiveness of using potassium humate:

  • increase in the volume of the obtained harvest up to 35% (including on soils of low fertility);
  • strengthening immunity, ensuring resistance of cultures to diseases;
  • promoting the formation of a strong and strong root system;
  • quality improvement of the harvest;
  • reduction of the amount of applied fertilizers (up to 35%);
  • maximum digestibility by plants;
  • reducing the toxicity of chemicals and fertilizers.

Chemical composition of potassium humate

The chemical composition of potassium humate produced by Halychyna contains components that are unique in their value for plant life: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, humic and fulvic acids pH 8-11.

Quality indicator

Standard according to ND

Actual indicators of potassium humate from TM Halychyna

Mass fraction of humic acids (grams per 1 liter)

not less than 20.0


Mass fraction of fulvic acids (grams per 1 liter)

not less than 10.0


Mass fraction of humic substances (grams per 1 liter)

not less than 50.0


Scheme and periods of optimal use of potassium humate

For pre-sowing seed treatment, the solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 liters of potassium humate in liquid form per 10-30 liters of water.

Processing before sowing contributes to:

  • increasing the yield of crops by 20-30% from 1 hectare of land;
  • raising the seed germination rate;
  • increase in bushiness;
  • growth of fertile stems.

Processing of crops by spraying during the growing season

Preparation of the solution for foliar treatment is carried out at the rate of 0.4 liters of liquid potassium humate per 200-300 liters of water.

The first treatment is carried out during the seedling period or at the end of tillering. This procedure stimulates the growth of plants, increases their density and has a positive effect on the potential of the productive stem.

The optimal moment for the second treatment is the emergence of plants in the tube and the beginning of earing of cereal crops. This measure helps to form the genetic potential of the variety and increase the number of productive grains in the ears.

The third treatment is recommended to be carried out during the earing period or in the phase of waxy ripeness, which improves the preservation of the crop, accelerates the ripening of the grain and the formation of a mass of a thousand seeds.

Which humate is better, dry or liquid concentrate?

Potassium humate is a natural fertilizer. Most often, agronomists, professionals and amateurs, use this drug in liquid form: it is the most rational in use and has the best indicators.

Liquid humate of potassium

This fertilizer has a brown, dark color, it is made from peat with the help of borrowing beneficial minerals. Extremely rational and easy to use, popular due to its high performance. Liquid potassium humate is a concentrate that dissolves in water, and the proportions depend on the intended use. Here is the prescription for its consumption: to adjust the soil structure, 0.1-0.2% of the total volume of liquid potassium humate is taken.

Potassium humate powder

Potassium humate in powder form is used to comprehensively strengthen the ability to protect the action of various substances and organisms that cause the destruction of cells and tissues of crops, to force their development and the formation of fruits: the powder is again diluted in water, and the rules for the use of potassium humate can be read on the package the product itself.

The powder preparation forces the progress of the collection of all types of microorganisms inhabiting the habitat in the soil, as a result of which the creation of excellent humus is much faster, therefore the yield increases to fifty percent, and the ripening of fruits or berries occurs earlier. The soil does not lose its characteristics, but turns into a more fertile soil, and it is freed from chemical elements with the properties of metals.

Based on the variations in the use of potassium humate, the options for how to breed it are diverse, and the principles of use are modified.

For soaking, you need to dissolve half a gram of fertilizer per liter of water. Seeds, seeds or bulbs are placed in the solution from eight hours to two days, the cuttings are completely immersed for a period of up to 14 hours.

Spraying takes place with an even weaker composition - 3 gr. humate is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Preparation for irrigation is carried out as follows: tbsp. dissolve the drug in 10 l. water

Why is potassium humate needed for plants in Ukraine?

Potassium humate as a growth stimulator is successfully used on the following cultures:


Crops that are grown with fertilizer immediately before sowing the soil, as well as the greatest effect from the use of potassium humate, a growth stimulator, at different stages of plant vegetation - its use varies from two to six times. When watering, it is recommended to take from 50 to 100 milliliters per 10 liters of water, the use goes up to 10 liters per square meter: it all depends on the type of crops. Spraying with the same mixture at the rate of 1.5 - 3 liters per 100 sq.m.

Cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini are treated with the drug four times at one time of the year. Potatoes require soaking or spraying before planting. Cucumbers and tomatoes are fed 3 to 4 times.


These plants are processed from two to six times per season. The mixture created by the agronomist (from three to ten liters per square meter) is used for irrigation. Conclusion: the concentration of taste is preserved and the degree of resistance to various diseases increases.

Fruit and berry

For this variety of crops, the drug is used by treating seedlings and all parts of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals (spraying them). It is better to introduce humate together with the use of herbicides. Feeding is carried out at the beginning of spring on the eve of flowering, during the germination of fruits and their ripening.

Interesting information! Potassium contributes to the accumulation of sugars in fruits and berries, so they will become even sweeter. A solution is made, and then its use consists in soaking the seeds for a day, and bulbs and tubers - for half this time. For irrigation, the same volume should be dissolved in 10 liters of water, and the rate of consumption of potassium humate is about 3-10 liters per square meter.

Indoor plants

Feeding with the drug activates growth and good flowering. This should be done during the period of time when indoor plants have the most vigorous growth, namely from the beginning of spring to September: fertilize once every fifteen days. Potassium humate is used in autumn : during this period of rest, the plant is fed once every 1.5 months. Spraying with a solution in the amount of 5-100 milliliters of humate per liter of water, not forgetting to ensure that the leaves are completely moistened. The same solution is used for irrigation.

Potassium humate: fiction and truth

  • "Any varieties of humates are identical"

How is potassium humate produced?

The method of extracting humic preparations is similar, but the raw material is different. And the raw material itself serves as an index of how many fertile substances will be extracted and what bioactivity they will possess.

How is potassium humate produced?

  • From peat, the leader for extraction of humates. It has the best proportion of fulvic acids, humic acids and good bioactivity.
  • Made from silt from ponds, the material is of a lower grade because it has excess chemical additives. Cleaning them dramatically increases the price of the final product.
  • From lignite, it has a ballast mass, has low activity, has too few groups of humic acids that dissolve in water, alkaline elements and acids.

The answer is false.

  • "Potassium humate is also used without mineral additives"

Not exactly. About 30,000 kg of humic compounds are found in sufficiently infertile land, where no more than a percent of humus is stored in the upper layer of one hectare. A liter of liquid fertilizer contains 30 grams of similar compounds. This volume is also calculated for the introduction of 10,000 sq.m. What is the difference? These 30 grams are calculated for processing 1 ha of crops! This treatment gives the cultures an impetus to progress as quickly as possible. However, the soil should be full of organic compounds, as well as microorganisms.

The answer is false.

  • "The use of potassium humate increases the yield"

Medicines are bought to increase the yield. This also means a reduction in costs and initial cost per 1000 kg of harvest. Potassium humate with the application rate will not increase the yield, it should be combined with other breaks, taking into account the main agronomic techniques. Adhering to the entire technological chain of fertilizer application will result in a positive result.

The answer is Truth.

Results of application on major crops

  • sunflower - increasing the mass fraction of oil in terms of dry matter in the already mentioned material by 3-5%;
  • grains and legumes - increase in yield and amount of protein;
  • melon cultures - forcing ripening for about a week, the taste qualities improve;
  • vegetables - forcing the ripening period by 10 days;
  • grapes - the yield increases, and the taste of wine products made from these grapes improves significantly;
  • sugar beets - the amount of sugar increases;
  • garden plants - the flowering period is accelerated by 10 days.

Read reviews about Humat from farmers of Ukraine

  • By treating the planting material with the specified preparation, the percentage of seed germination and the formation of a powerful root system greatly increases. Also, the resistance of crops to the negative environment and various diseases increases.
  • Potassium humate is both a fertilizer and an anti-stress agent. You can take a lot from humates and use their strongest points. The fertilizer is perfectly combined with many methods of plant protection. The positive effect on cereals after the addition of potassium humate was clearly visible within two days, the sown areas were completely processed, the control field did not remain, but this did not prevent determining the effect of potassium humate on increasing yield.